Topeka First News
Greetings Topeka First UMC, Christmas is here! I hope that you are making plans to join us for one of the Christmas Eve services at 5:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Both services end with candlelight and celebrate the birth of Jesus with the light of Christ coming to us in the darkness! We will also have a photo booth for your Christmas pictures. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow! Next Sunday, Dec. 29, there will be one service at 10:45 am in the Chapel. Scott Beck will be leading us with the message, with Deanna Guzman and Steve Eubank leading us in music. If you are out of town or cannot make it, Merry Christmas to you and your family! Blessings, Pastor Brad ------------------ Here are a few special dates & times for the next couple of weeks: Tues., Dec. 24: Christmas Eve, office opens at 3:30 pm Tues., Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Services, 5 pm & 11 pm (special music begins at 10:30 pm) Tues., Dec. 24: No Quilters group Wed., Dec. 25: Christmas Day, office closed Wed., Dec. 25: No Yoga Thurs., Dec. 26: Office closed Fri., Dec. 17: Office closed (normal) Sun., Dec. 29: One service at 10:45 am in the Chapel (no Sunday School) Tues., Dec. 31: Office open 9 am - Noon. Tues., Dec. 31: Last day for any donations to be credited to 2024. (Any mail postmarked with Dec. 31 or earlier will be credited to 2024). Tues., Dec. 31: No Quilters Group Wed., Jan. 1: Office closed Wed., Jan. 1: No Yoga Thurs., Jan. 2: Normal office hours, 9 am - 4 pm Fri., Jan. 3: Office closed (normal) Sun., Jan. 5: Sunday school resumes. Sun., Jan. 12: Children who will be receiving a "3rd Grade Bible" begin a Bible study class at 9:30 am with Cathy DeDonder. Thurs., Jan. 2: Normal office hours, 9 am - 4 pm ---- Wed., Jan. 22: Wednesday evening activities resume for children & youth